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Concussion Physiotherapy in Edmonton

Your Concussion Care

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Using targeted interventions and education, we help both athletes and non-athletes in their recovery from concussion.

Starting an

Active Concussion Recovery Program during the first 10 days after injury can speed your recovery! 




Listen to a conversation about returning to exercise after a concussion

When can I Start Exercising After a Concussion
00:00 / 04:34

The wrong way to recovery: 

Wait,   Rest,   Hope..... Repeat.

Is this your current recovery plan after a concussion?

How's this "plan" working out for you?

People can end up on a roller coaster of recovery after a concussion - resting until they start to feel better then trying to get back to doing their regular activities again, only to FEEL AWFUL afterward.  Then repeat the whole thing over again.

Rehabilitation Medicine is waaaayyy beyond that now!

You should have a PLAN for recovery after a concussion. 


Like every other injury, whether an ankle sprain, a heart attack, a knee replacement, a rotator cuff surgery, coming out of a cast, or a stroke -- when you're recovering from a concussion, 


Rehabilitation Program should be built to guide your recovery!

Concussion Physiotherapy

Taking Charge of Your Concussion Recovery

What should you be doing?

What should you be avoiding?

What type of exercise is appropriate?

Every person's experience with concussion is unique.

That means each person needs an individualized program.

A detailed assessment


lots of listening.


Both are needed to understand what approach to rehabilitation is best suited for you while you're recovering from a concussion.

This allows you to be in charge of your recovery instead of being pushed around by your "Concussion Bully."

Building a Collaborative Care Model for Concussion
Kids and Concussion


A collaborative care model is important in concussion recovery.

No one person will have all the answers.

Usually you'll need a team of healthcare professionals working with you on your recovery.


Physical Therapy can be an important component of concussion care, but

  • Physician involvement is important.

  • Sometimes a counselling psychologist is involved

  • Occupational Therapy may be appropriate

  • A Speech Language Pathologist may be involved

A good question many people have is when should my child go back to school after a concussion?

There is a tendency to think that you should wait until the child feels perfectly fine at home before returning to school.


Research is showing that an earlier return to school seems to work out better.

After a couple of days away from school for resting, a graduated return to school should be implemented.

Returning to school after a concussion should often include temporary academic adjustments such as being excused from exams, starting with half days, a later start time so as to avoid the noise and busy environment before class, a hat or sun glasses to reduce bright light exposure, 10-15 minute breaks scheduled through the day, and a quiet work area with a friend.

The school is an important social environment, and keeping kids away from their friends and social activities may add to the frustration, and increase concussion symptom severity.

With the right academic adjustments, a successful early return to school can be planned.

We would be happy to chat with your teacher or school administrator about how to implement this successfully.


If you're interested in getting started with a concussion physiotherapy program,

if you're tired of feeling lost and and helpless,

if you're interested in trying to DO something about your concussion recovery,

please browse the Online Schedule.

Click the orange button to see what appointment times are available for you.


Contact the clinic by phone or email to book an appointment or chat about some of the difficulties you're having since the concussion.

If you're hesitant, that's okay!

Please talk to your family physician about concussion rehabilitation first, if you like.

We will always communicate clearly with your physician about our findings, rehabilitation plan, and any concerns.


Get Started!

Learn more here - Links to the blog page

If you like...

Check out videos from Canada's own Dr. Mike Evans' YouTube Channel below to learn a little more about concussion.

Concussions 101, a Primer for Kids and Parents

Concussions 101, a Primer for Kids and Parents

Play Video
Concussion management and return to learn

Concussion management and return to learn

Play Video
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