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Vertigo & Dizziness


Vertigo Clinic in Edmonton

Over a 90% success

rate within only

3 sessions!

The simplest form of Vertigo is very TREATABLE!


Looking for

Vestibular Physiotherapy in Edmonton


Vertigo Physiotherapy in Edmonton


Without treatment for a common form of vertigo, you could be waiting for it to fix itself for weeks, months, or even years.  It's not predictable.


Imagine needlessly living with vertigo EVERY DAY.


Disappointing?  Discouraging?  Frustrating?




With treatment, you could be only one week away from relief!


No magic.

No wishful thinking.

No pills.

Just good science.


The technical term is

Vestibular Physiotherapy


Vestibular Physical Therapy

Go ahead and browse the appointment schedule

by clicking the button.






Have you noticed that you've made changes in your activities because of dizziness or vertigo?


Do you avoid rolling to one side?

Do you avoid moving too quickly?

Do you leave your home less?



Do you feel you're winning the battle or losing?


How is Dizziness or Vertigo
Affecting Your Life?

Many people are losing.


Inch by inch, day by day.


It starts to affect so many things...


How you move.

How you position yourself.

How you sleep.

How quickly you move.

Where you go.

How often you leave your home.

How safe you feel.

How careful you are.

What activities you do.


Vertigo and Dizziness have an effect on your enjoyment of your life!

It can add up to increasing anxiety, as well as depression.


Whether dizziness is








you may be able to change the direction of the battle.


Imagine finally being able to fight back!

We're here to Help!

Now it's time to do something about your dizziness!


You can book an appointment to have a full assessment of your condition, and we will help you build a rehabilitation and treatment program designed to minimize the impact dizziness is having on your life.


Dizziness can sometimes be a complicated problem and Vestibular Physiotherapy may be only part of the answer, but that's OK!


We are fully committed to working with your physician to help you manage your condition.



This is your life...


Your story...


And we're here to help YOU!




Check out the Online Schedule Button below.




Call or email to find out more!




Some Frequently Asked Questions about Vertigo

What is Vertigo?

What causes Vertigo?

How is Vertigo Treated?

The treatment of vertigo is not easily answered.

As you now know, the CAUSE of vertigo is the most important question to understand. 


The management of vertigo depends entirely on the cause.


Obviously, you can imagine that a heart condition would be handled differently than an inner ear condition, or a brain related condition.

Even when it comes to inner ear problems causing vertigo, there are many types of intervention. 

Broadly though, physiotherapy interventions for vertigo caused by inner ear problems can be divided into two groups: 

1) Head maneuvers.   

2) An exercise program involving head motion, visual challenges, and balance challenges.

But we need to recognize that some inner ear disorders causing vertigo may first need to be addressed with medication or lifestyle changes.


The management and treatment of vertigo is a complex world and it's frustrating to hear people report they've been told 'It's just vertigo.'  Some have even been told to look up their own treatment from videos posted on the internet.  If you're absolutely certain of the cause of your vertigo then maybe that can work, but remember nobody is vetting the video for accuracy.  There are many instructional videos posted that are just plain wrong, and it's obvious to a knowledgeable trained observer that these people haven't passed any sort of examination to confirm their understanding of the topic.

How long does vertigo last?

Vertigo is a word that describes what you FEEL.

Vertigo is a type of dizziness that involves a sense of motion or direction.  The motion is commonly described as a spinning sensation, but it can be a tumbling sensation, rocking, swaying, falling, or bobbing.

People are surprised that vertigo ISN'T a diagnosis or a condition.

Some people have, unfortunately, been simply told they have vertigo and are left without a clear understanding of what's causing it.



There are many causes for the sensation of vertigo.

Here are some examples:

  • There are conditions of the inner ear that can be the source.  Some of these come with various forms of hearing loss also.  

  • Conditions affecting the nerve connecting to the inner ear also can cause the sensation of vertigo.

  • Conditions affecting the 'brain' and involving any of the neural connections within the brain from the inner ear system can be a source of vertigo.

  • People are sometimes surprised to hear that some heart conditions can trigger a sense of vertigo also.​

Well, a single episode of vertigo can last for a few seconds, a few hours, or even a few days.

How long an episode of vertigo lasts really depends on what is causing the sensation.


But sometimes vertigo is recurrent.

Some people experience daily episodes of vertigo for days, weeks, or months.

Some people might experience vertigo once per month.

Some people might experience vertigo more randomly, or maybe only with specific head motions, or specific head positions.


Your description of the frequency, duration, and triggering factors of the vertigo episodes are important in differentiating one cause of vertigo from another.  Combining your information with the clinical testing results is the best way to accurately identify the cause of your specific vertigo, and make a plan for successful management.

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